
Oct 11, 2010

Love it! - Zebra cowhide rug

I must say I'm a sucker for a zebra print anything - but when I was at my local WestElm the other day I found myself standing atop this gorge zebra cowhide rug! Now I admit, many years ago such a hide used to gross me out a tad, but years of design magazines later have warmed me up to the idea of one. Maybe beneath my corner of conversational arm chairs - a chic nook that would make eh?!

www.WestElm.com - Zebra Cowhide $599

Oct 7, 2010

Love it! - Leather chair

I saw this chair at Restoration Hardware paired with a desk and adored its fully wrapped leather look with belt buckle detailing - very Ralph Lauren! I couldn't stop thinking how amazing it look with age and wear. But don't get stuck on it as a desk chair, I would prefer a pair opposite a sofa - now that's double the pleasure!

RestorationHardware.com - Buckle Chair $695